93ENInformation11Error codesMonitorindication Possible cause Corrective actionNO CARDThe card is not inserted, or itcannot be recognized.Insert a card or insert a differentcard.CARD ERRORThere is a problem with thecard.Insert the card again. If theproblem persists, format thecard. If the card cannot beformatted, it cannot be used.WRITE PROTECTWriting to the card is prohibited.The card write-protect switch isset to the “LOCK” side. Releasethe switch. (P. 96)CARD FULLThe card is full. No morepictures can be taken or nomore information such as printreservation can be recorded.There is no space in the cardand print reservation or newimages cannot be recorded.••Replace the card or eraseunwanted pictures.Before erasing, downloadimportant images to a PC.CARD SETUPCLEAN CARDFORMATClean the contact area ofthe card with a dry cloth.SETCard cannot be read. Card maynot have been formatted.Select [CLEAN CARD], pressthe Q button and turn off thecamera. Remove the card andwipe dry the metallic surfacewith a soft, dry cloth.Select [FORMAT][YES], andthen press the Q button toformat the card. Formattingthe card erases all data onthe card.••NO PICTUREThere are no pictures on thecard.The card contains no pictures.Record pictures and play back.PICTURE ERRORThe selected picture cannot bedisplayed for playback due toa problem with this picture. Orthe picture cannot be used forplayback on this camera.Use image processing softwareto view the picture on a PC.If that cannot be done, the imagefi le is damaged.THE IMAGECANNOT BEEDITEDPictures taken with anothercamera cannot be edited on thiscamera.Use image processing softwareto edit the picture.PICTUREERRORImages can not be transferredbetween devices thatare currently receiving ortransmitting data.Increase the amount of memoryavailable on the card, forexample by deleting unwantedimages, or choose a smaller sizefor the images being transmitted.