Extracting a clip from a movie [EDIT] Protecting images [O-n]The originaI movie is leftunchanged, and a clip from the_ _i: E I movie is saved as a separatemovie.A portion of the original movieOVERWRITE overwrites and replaces theor g na mov e.(_ Use (,'_/b)to select a movie.!2 Use £_2_5__to select [NEWFILE] or[OVERWRITE], and press the @ button.3_ Use _,'_lb)to select the first frame of theclip to be extracted, and press thebutton.• While selecting the start or end frame,pressing <_L,s3 moves to the start/end frameof the movie.Use (,'_/b)to select the last frame ofthe clip to be extracted, and press the@ button._;_ Protected images cannot be erased by[ERASE] (p. 16), [SEL. IMAGE] or [ALLERASE] (p. 54), but all images will beerased by [MEMORY FORMAT]/[FORMAT](p.55).N2 IImages can be erased.Images are protected so thatthey cannot be erased exceptON by formatting of the internalmemory/card.1= Use (,_,',/:_,)to select an image.Use _'_2_ to select [ON].If necessary, repeat steps 1 and :2 toprotect other images, and then press thebutton.• The extracted movie clip is saved.Extracting a still image from a movie[MO VIE INDEX]....... M©_!E !NDEX,_, Use (,'_//i_,)to select a movie, and press the@ button.i2, Use (,'_//i_)to select the frame to beextracted, and press the @ button.• <_?4_s_can be usedto moveto the start/endframeof the movie.• The selectedframe is savedas a stillimage.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii52!_i!_!!_!___!!i_EN