2How to use this manualThis manual contains a table of contents, an index and menus to enableyou to easily find the topic that you want to use or learn out more about.Using the table of contents gP.5All the titles in the manual are listed here, grouped into chapters.The chapters are composed of the shooting, playback, printing, etc.based on their purposes.Using the index gP.189The index lists the camera’s functions, parts and terms used in thismanual in alphabetical order. When you come across a word in themanual that you do not understand or when you want to find a certainterm, use the index to find the page(s) where it is used.Using the menu list gP.180The camera's menus are laid out in the form of a tree diagramaccording to tab and show the setting options for each availablefunction. First find the menu you are looking for, then look for thereference page number for each function.when you want to select the languagein which the menus and errormessages are displayedGo to Chapter 3 Seeting Up for the pagetitled “Selecting a language W....84.”For example...when you want to know more aboutESP meteringGo to the index at the end of the manualand look under E for “ESP....35”For example...when you want to find out which settingto choose for 0Go through the menus until you find 0and look for the reference page number.For example...