104 ENRepresentations and warranties made by any person,including but not limited to dealers, representatives,salespersons, or agents of Olympus, which areinconsistent or in conflict with or in addition to theterms of this limited warranty, shall not be bindingupon Olympus unless reduced to writing andapproved by an expressly authorized officer ofOlympus.This limited warranty is the complete and exclusivestatement of warranty which Olympus agrees toprovide with respect to the Products and it shallsupersede all prior and contemporaneous oral orwritten agreements, understandings, proposals, andcommunications pertaining to the subject matterhereof.This limited warranty is exclusively for the benefitof the original customer and cannot be transferredor assigned.WHAT TO DO WHEN SERVICE IS NEEDEDThe customer must transfer any image or other datasaved on a Product to another image or data storagemedium and/or remove any film from the Productprior to sending the Product to Olympus for service.IN NO EVENT SHALL OLYMPUS BE RESPONSIBLEFOR SAVING, KEEPING OR MAINTAININGANY IMAGE OR DATA SAVED ON A PRODUCTRECEIVED BY IT FOR SERVICE, OR ONANY FILM CONTAINED WITHIN A PRODUCTRECEIVED BY IT FOR SERVICE, NOR SHALLOLYMPUS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYDAMAGES IN THE EVENT ANY IMAGE OR DATAIS LOST OR IMPAIRED WHILE SERVICE ISBEING PERFORMED (INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, LOSSOF PROFITS OR LOSS OF USE), WHETHER ORNOT OLYMPUS SHALL BE OR SHOULD BE AWAREOF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH POTENTIAL LOSSOR IMPAIRMENT.Package the Product carefully using ample paddingmaterial to prevent damage in transit and eitherdeliver it to the Authorized Olympus Dealer thatsold you the Product or ship it postage prepaid andinsured to any of our Olympus Service Centers.When returning Products for service, your packageshould include the following:1 Sales receipt showing date and place ofpurchase.2 Copy of this limited warranty bearing theProduct serial number corresponding to theserial number on the Product (unless it is amodel on which Olympus does not place andrecord serial numbers).3 A detailed description of the problem.4 Sample prints, negatives, digital prints (or files ondisk) if available and related to the problem.When service is completed, the Product will bereturned to you postage prepaid.WHERE TO SEND PRODUCT FOR SERVICESee “WORLDWIDE WARRANTY” for the nearestservice center.INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY SERVICEInternational warranty service is available under thiswarranty.