524Transferring Music File to the RecorderYou can transfer the music files saved in your PC to this recorder. For how to copy themusic files from the CD to your PC, see “Copying Music from CD” (" P. 51).Windows Media Player 101 Connect the recorder to a PC andstart Windows Media Player.2 From the Features taskbar, click the[Sync].3 From the pull down menu on the leftside window, select the play list tobe transferred to the recorder andput the check marks on the musicfile that you want to transfer.The order of music pieces can be changedby Drag & Drop of the music file in the playlist displayed.4 From the pull down menu on theright side window, select the drivecorresponding to the recorder.The recorder is recognized as a RemovableDisk.5 Click on the upper right cornerand set the synchronization options.Click on the [Create folder hierarchy ondevice] to check.*The folder with artist name or album nameis automatically created. This will make youfind the file you want to listen to moreeasily.* If [Create folder hierarchy on device] ischecked by default, click to uncheck the boxonce, and click it again to check.234565Transferring Music File to the Recorder