Cause Remedial action Remarks4. Failure of releaseswitch to go off.CE337200Button SpringCE337500Button contactCE335700Release rubberCE31 #5500Button washer1. When CE337200 Button Spring is deformedor lacks resilience, thereby coming in contactwith CE335700 Release Contact, repair or re-place as required,2. Wrong selection of a button washer Select thebutton washer which enables clearance A of0.1 to 0.2 mm to be obtained between CE-337200 Button Spring and CE337500 BottonContact.Button washer 1 ~ 5A = 0.1 ~ 0.2mmج ГУ CE3373002K738300 Button collarF.W. base ass'yClearance B must be maintainedafter the switch is turned on.The shutter must operatewhen the shutter release ispressed with a 0.1-mm-thick gauge (a piece offilm) inserted in clearanceA.Height C of button washerButton washer Height GCE336900Button washer 1 1.2CE337000Button washer 2 1.3СЕЗ37100Button washer 3 1.45. Improper soldering orshorting of the printedcircuit for the shutterrelease1. Check if the printed circuit of CE335100 Cir-cuit Board and CE315500 Button Washer areproperly soldered and, if not, resolder.wire and, if necessary, repair them.3. When a short circuit is established betweenthe printed circuit of CE335100 Circuit Boardand ZK738300 F.W. Base Ass'y, adhere aninsulating tape to the printed circuit. Removescrews, PUTB2x4SN, from ZK738300 F.W.Base Ass'y and adhere an insulating tapearound the circumference of the openings forthe screws.(2> Remove these screws,4 'UTB2x4SN, and adhereom the insulating tape.* Do not re-tighten the screws. ZK738300F.W. Base Ass'y can be fixed in place with2 screws.ڪڪ2. Check CE337500 Button Contact and the leadThe number of the screwsused to fix ZK738300 F.W.Base Ass'y was reducedfrom 3 to 2 from June,1979.hq