Salinity Senso r Setup4SPARK Setup• If the SPARK Science Learning System (SLS) is off, press and hold the powerbutton on the bottom to turn it on and then wait for the SPARK to boot up. Thescreen will show a message to plug in a sensor.• Connect the PASPORT sensor to either of the ports on the top of the SPARK. Thescreen will show the list of quantities measured by the connected sensor.Graph Display (default)To open a graph display, touch any quantity in the list and then touch SHOW to openPAGE 1. Touch the right arrow next to PAGE 1 to go to the next display (digits).Touch the Start button to begin collecting data.Select a DisplayTo set up a particular display (e.g., digits display), touch BUILD. Touch a quantityfrom the list, and then touch one of the display icons. Touch OK to open the display,and then touch the Start button to begin collecting data.CalibrationPrepare a salinity calibration solution.You will need reagent grade sodium chloride (salt), a liter of distilled or deionizedwater, a stir rod, and a container with accurate volume markings. Pour 500 milliliters(mL) of distilled water into the container. Add 33.03 g sodium chloride (NaCl) andstir the mixture until the salt dissolves. Next, add enough distilled water to make oneliter (1000 mL) of solution. This solution has a salinity value of 35 ppt at 25 °C.1 Point CalibrationIn DataStudio., click ‘Setup’ to open the Experiment Setup window and click ‘Cali-brate Sensors…’. (1) In the Calibrate Sensors window, select ‘Salinity (ppt)’ as themeasurement from the second menu in the upper left corner. (2) Select ‘1 Point(Adjust Slope Only)’ as the Calibration Type in the lower left corner.Place the Salinity Sensor probe into the calibration solution and wait until the data inthe ‘Sensor Value’ window stabilizes. (3) Make sure that the Standard Value reads35.000 ppt. (4) Click ‘Read From Sensor’.(5) Click ‘OK’ to close the Calibrate Sen-sors window.Start buttonSee the User’s Guides forthe Xplorer GLX or theSPARK Science LearningSystem for calibrationinstructions.(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)