Ca rbon Dioxide G as Senso r Introduction2 012-14330CNOTE: If more distance is needed between the sensor andthe interface, plug the sensor into the included ExtensionCable, and then plug the cable into the interface.• Insert the sensor probe into the gas sample. Allow 90seconds for the sensor to warm up with the probe tem-perature between 20° and 30° C.• Start the PASCO data collection software.Using the PASCO Data Collection Software• Set up a data display (such as a Digits or Graph display)in the software.• In PASCO Capstone, click one of the display templatesin the workbook page, or double-click an icon in the“Displays” palette to open a data display.• In the SPARKvue sensor parameter screen, touch ‘CO2Concentration’ to highlight it, and then touch ‘Show’ toopen a Graph display.• Click “Record” (in Capstone) or touch ‘Start’ inSPARKvue to begin recording data.CAUTION:The sensor was not designed for use in liquids, dusty orwindy environments, or in direct sunlight. Do not place thesensor in liquid samples such as water or beverages as thiswill permanently damage the sensor. Using the sensor industy or windy environments or in direct sunlight may causeanomalous readings. The operating temperature range isbetween 20° and 30°C.NOTE: Do not try to remove the probe from the sensor. It isnot removable.STORAGE:Always store the sensor in the plastic zip-lock bag to mini-mize distorted sensor readings due to dust and dirt.Collecting CO2 SamplesUse the sampling bottle to collect air samples, such as anatmospheric sample or the carbon dioxide gas produced fromgerminating seeds.To collect an atmospheric sampleKeep the bottle upright and the neckopen (without the stopper). Wait longenough to allow atmospheric air to fillthe bottle. Insert the probe with thestopper into the neck of the bottle. Besure that the stopper fits snugly into theneck of the bottle.To collect expired air or othergas samplesCollect the sample in a plastic bag andclamp the bag closed. To take a read-ing, open the bag and immediatelyplace it over the probe and stopper, holding the bag tightlyaround the stopper.Sensor CalibrationBecause the sensor isfactory calibrated, cali-bration is not requiredfor most activities.However, the sensor’scharacteristics maychange over time. Torestore the sensor to itsfactory-calibratedstate, perform the cali-bration using a fresh air sample.(NOTE: Refer to the User’s Guide and On-Line Help for thedata collection software.)• Collect a sample of fresh air (400 to 450 ppm CO 2).• Insert the probe with stopper into the upright samplingbottle. Be sure that the stopper fits snugly into the neckof the bottle.• Connect the sensor to a PASPORT-compatible interface.Set up a digits displayand start recording data. Wait atleast 90 seconds for the reading to stabilize.• Press the Calibrate button (CAL) for 3 seconds and thenrelease it. The green light emitting diode (LED) willstart blinking once per second to indicate that calibrationhas begun.• Wait approximately two minutes. When the green LEDstops blinking, calibration is finished.• Check that the reading in the data acquisition software is400 ppm ±50 ppm (parts per million).Suggested ActivitiesCellular Respiration of Peas• Put 1/4 cup of dry pea seeds in the sampling bottle.Insert the probe and stopper into the neck of the bottle.• Connect the sensor to a PASPORT-compatible interfaceand start the data collection software.SensorInterface stopperprobeLEDCalibrationButton