280 Section 6B: CustomizingUsing Connection SettingsConnecting to a Virtual Private NetworkIf you want to use your Treo device to access your corporate email account or other files onyour corporate server, you may need to set up a virtual private network (VPN) on yourdevice. A VPN enables you to log in to your corporate server through the company’s firewall(security layer). You need a VPN on your device if your device and your company’s server arelocated on opposite sides of the firewall.Check with your company’s system administrator to see if a VPN is required for accessingthe corporate server. If a VPN is necessary, you must purchase and install a third-party VPNclient on your device to use this feature.1. Install your third-party VPN client. See “Installing Applications” on page 235 fordetails.2. Press Applications and select Prefs .3. Select VPN.4. Enter the settings provided by your corporate system administrator.Note: For information about third-party VPN client software, visitwww.palm.com/mypalm/755psprint.