Installation manualFloor boards should be fixed to every foundation bearer with nails 2,5x50 mm. For nicer finish wesuggest to nail the boards from top part of the tongue so the head of the nail will be covered withgroove of next board.The final operation is the fitting of the floor beadings to cover the spaces between the floor boards andwalls. If necessary, cut the floor beadings to the suitable length.ATTENTION: Depending on the climate at the house location, the floor boards can either swell ordiminish. If the floor boards are very dry while the climate is damp, they will easily absorb moisture. Inthis case, the floor boards should not be attached very densely to avoid likely bulging. Leave somespace (1-2 mm) between the floor boards to allow for swelling. But if your climate is warm and dry, youcan install the boards densely because they will become drier and spaces may appear between them.WallsWhen installing the walls, it is important to remember that:¾ The logs are always assembled with their tongue upwards!¾ If necessary, use the hitting block and hammer! Never directly hit the tongue with the hammer!Install the walls in accordance with the appended wall plans (see Technical specifications).First of all place half logs of front and back wall at thecorrect location and attach them with screws to thefoundation joists. Then install the side wall logs. Make surethat the first layer of logs extends a bit over the foundationjoists: the logs must extend over the joists by some 3-5 mm.You will thus protect the house from moisture, allowing thefree flow of rainwater into the ground.ATTENTION: After the first layer of logs, measure thediagonal lengths and, if necessary, re-install the logs. Only ifthe diagonal lengths are completely equal is the base framerectangular and you can mutually attach the logs.The first layer of logs:Continue the installation of the walls by strongly forcing the wall logs into one another. If necessary,use the hitting block and hammer. At the same time, do not forget to begin the installation of the doorand windows. You should definitely begin the door installation after the 5 th-6 th layer of logs.