Using Photo CDsUsing just the film negatives, data for up to 100 photographs can bestored on a CD. Discs created in this fashion are referred to as photoCDs, and the photos contained therein can be displayed on a televisionscreen using the "REAL" player.3DO Control PadAll operations other than power on/off and disc tray open/close areperformed using the control pad.Rotate ( Shift + •«<) Y~37|Shift buttonsPan image 35Directional padHelp screen < CPan speed ( Shift + C )While this button Is helddown, a help (shift+C : panspeed) screen is_displayed onthe television.Mirror ( Shift + Hi ) £138Stop ( X )Auto Play / pause ( P W\\ SSIPhotograph number display( Shift + P Ml)Select zoom area ( B ) p -36]jZoom ( Shift + BNext photograph ( A >Previous photograph ( Shift + Af "N; ( Shift -r A ) means that you should hold down either shift button and ;! then press the A button. jUsing Photo CDs 33