32Picture Profi lesLoad profiles and apply the picture adjustment values to the display as follows.Notes:• Loaded profiles are stored in memory according to the selected input interface (SLOT1, 2, 3 or PC IN). (see page 15)• When the settings are locked in “EXTENDED LIFE SETTINGS”, profiles cannot be loaded.1 In the PICTURE menu, select “MEMORY LOAD”.MEMORY SAVEMEMORY LOADMEMORY EDIT1 select2 accessLoading profi les2 Select the profile to load.MEMORY LOAD1.2.3.4.MEMORY2MEMORY3MEMORY4MEMORY11 select2 setDelete or rename profiles as follows.fi les> files>1 In the PICTURE menu, select “MEMORY EDIT”.MEMORY SAVEMEMORY LOADMEMORY EDIT1 select2 access2 Select “MEMORY DELETE”.MEMORY EDITMEMORY NAME CHANGEMEMORY DELETE1 select2 set3 Select the profile to delete.To delete all profiles, select “ALL DELETE”.MEMORY DELETE2.3.MEMORY2MEMORY3ALL DELETE4. MEMORY4MEMORY11.1 select2 set4 Select “OK”.MEMORY DELETECANCELDELETE THE MEMORY1 DATA.OK1 select2 set1 In the PICTURE menu, select “MEMORY EDIT”.MEMORY SAVEMEMORY LOADMEMORY EDIT1 select2 access2 Select “MEMORY NAME CHANGE”.MEMORY EDITMEMORY NAME CHANGEMEMORY DELETE1 select2 set3 Select the profile to rename.MEMORY NAME CHANGE1.2.3.4.MEMORY2MEMORY3MEMORY4MEMORY11 select2 set4 Enter a name for the profile.Entering profile names page 31MEMORY NAME INPUT█EMORY1MOKA B C D E F G H I J K L M ALL DELETEN O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z DELETESPACEa b c d e f g h i j k l mn o p q r s t u v w x y z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9! ” # $ % & ’ + – / = ?_ ` | ~ < > ( ) [ ] { } ,@ \ ˆ. ; :CANCEL1 select2 set5 When you finished entering the profile name, select“OK”.To cancel renaming the profile, select “CANCEL”.OK CANCEL 1 select2 setEditing profi les