40BL-PA100A/BL-PA100KTA14.4. Replacement Parts ListNote:1. RTL (Retention Time Limited)The marking (RTL) indicates that the Retention Time islimited for this item.After the discontinuation of this assembly in production,the item will continue to be available for a specific periodof time. The retention period of availability depends onthe type of assembly and the laws governing parts andproduct retention. At the end of this period, the assemblywill no longer be available.2. Important safety noticeComponents identified by the mark indicates specialcharacteristics important for safety. When replacing anyof these components, only use specified manufacture'sparts.3. The S mark means the part is one of some identical parts.For that reason, it may be different from the installed part.4. ISO code (Example: ABS-94HB) of the remarks columnshows quality of the material and a flame resisting gradeabout plastics.5. RESISTORS & CAPACITORSUnless otherwise specified;All resistors are in ohms (Ω), k=1000Ω, M=1000kΩAll capacitors are in MICRO FARADS (μF), p=μ(μF)*Type & Wattage of Resistor14.4.1. Cabinet and Electrical Parts14.4.2. Accessories and Packing Materials(BL-PA100A)(BL-PA100KTA)14.4.3. Main Board Parts14.4.4. Power Supply Board PartsSafety RefNo.Part No. Part Name & Description Remarks1 PQGG10409Z1 GRILLE ABS-V02 PQGT18322Z NAME PLATE3 PQKM10705Z1 CABINET BODY ABS-V04 PQMY10029Y HEAT SINK5 PQHR11190Z OPTIC CONDUCTIVE PARTS PC-HB6 PQBC10457Z1 BUTTON ABS-V07 PQBD10041Z1 KNOB ABS-V08 PQMY10035Z HEAT SINK A9 PQMY10036Z HEAT SINK B10 PQMH10488Z COVER11 PQKF10697Z1 CABINET COVER ABS-V012 PQKV10053Z1 COVER ABS-V013 PQQS11231Z LABEL,MASTER(BL-PA100KTA ONLY)A XTW2+R6PFJ SCREWSafety RefNo.Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksA1 PSJA1069Z POWER CORDA2 PQQS11256Z LABELA3 PQQX15015Y INSTRUCTION BOOKA4 PQQW15388Z LEAFLETP1 XZB20X35A04 PROTECTION COVERP2 PFPH1013Z PROTECTION COVERP3 PQPK15010Z GIFT BOXP4 PQXDDS400-8 LABELP5 PQPD10676Z CUSHIONP6 PQPD10748Z CUSHIONSafety RefNo.Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksA11 PSJA1069Z POWER CORDA12 PQQS11256Z LABELA13 PQQX15017Z INSTRUCTION BOOKA14 PQQX15524Y INSTRUCTION BOOKA15 PQQW15388Z LEAFLETP11 XZB20X35A04 PROTECTION COVERP12 PFPH1013Z PROTECTION COVERP13 PQPK15152Z GIFT BOXP14 PQXDDS400-8 LABELP15 PQPD10708Z CUSHIONSafety Ref.No.Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksPCB1 PQWP1PA100A MAIN BOARD ASS'YSafety Ref.No.Part No. Part Name & Description RemarksPCB2 PQWP2PA100A POWER SUPPLY BOARDASS'Y(RTL)(ICS)IC801 MIP4120MSSCF ICIC802 C0DAEYY00006 IC(TRANSISTORS)Q801 B1GFCFAA0004 TRANSISTOR(SI)Q802 2SA1576Q TRANSISTOR(SI) S(DIODES)D801 B0EDKT000007 DIODE(SI)D802 B0ECKR000028 DIODE(SI)D803 B0ECET000002 DIODE(SI)D804 B0HCMM000013 DIODE(SI)D806 MA2S72800L DIODE(SI)D807 MAZS0430H DIODE(SI)D808 MAZS0560M DIODE(SI)D809 B0HCMM000013 DIODE(SI)D810 B0JCPG000015 DIODE(SI)(CAPACITORS)C801 F0CAF1040007 0.1C802 F1LAF472A004 4700pC803 F1LAF472A004 4700pC804 There is no supply of only this partsPlease order PCB2.C805 ECKNHT222KB 0.0022C806 ECKN3A101KBP 100pC807 F2A1H2200050 22