20Things to RememberPOINT 4POINT 2POINT 1One of the main features of notebook-type computers is that you have the power ofcomputing away from your home or office. In the following, information is provided onhow to maximize use of the battery pack which is necessary for such computing.Four Important PointsConserving PowerBe sure to charge your battery before and after use.To get the maximum use of your battery, set the power man-agement mode.Check to see that you have your AC adapter with you beforeleaving your home or office.Purchasing a spare battery (CF-VZSU04) and the optional bat-tery charger (CF-VCB251A) is highly recommended.Always watch your battery level!Leave your computer off when it is not in use( “Starting Up/Shutting Down”)Adjust the brightness (darker) with Fn + F2By repeatedly pressing the keys to maximize the brightness ( will be displayed),following this, if the keys are pressed again, the brightness will be minimized, therebylowering the power consumption.Before stepping away from your computer, press Fn +F10 to put your computer in the ECO modeThe ECO mode helps you conserve power by cutting off power to the LCD andturning off the hard disk motor. To resume, you may press a key unrelated to thedirect triggering of a selection, like Ctrl key.In [Control Panel] - [Power Management], make settings indetailBy making settings in detail for the alarm, timeout, etc., it is possible to control theconsumption of power.When Windows 98 is running, the individual timeout functions of the Setup Utilitywill not work. It is necessary to make these settings with the timeout functions ofWindows 98 (in [Control Panel] - [Power Management]).Computing On The RoadPOINT 3When installed in a network environment.Be sure to disable the “System standby” settings with the [Control Panel] - [PowerManagement].After resuming operation from the suspend mode, the network connection maybe severed or the computer will not work properly.When a device like a high-speed modem or ISDN terminal adapter is con-nected to the serial port, etc.There are times when high-speed communication is adversely affected if thepower management function is enabled.Key operation and music playback.When the power management function is running, you may feel that key,touchscreen, touch pad (or mouse) operations are sluggish. Furthermore, musicmay not be played back correctly when the power of the display is cut (for energyconservation purposes) during playback.CAUTION