9Security MeasuresYou can set a start-up password to protect your computer from unauthorized use.1 Set the password (Î page 8), and select [Enabled] in [Password on boot] in the [Security]menu of the Setup Utility (Î page 78).NOTEz If the Supervisor Password or User Password has been set, the password input screen will be displayed on starting-upof the Setup Utility even though [Password on boot] is set to [Disabled].The hard disk lock function protects the hard disk data from being read or written when the hard disk is attached to anothercomputer. The data can be read/written when the hard disk is returned to the original computer. (Note that the hard disk lockdoes not guarantee complete protection of the data.)1 Select [Enabled] in [Hard Disk Lock] in the [Security] menu of the Setup Utility (Î page 78).CAUTIONz For the data being read/written on the original computer, the Setup Utility settings must be the same as when the harddisk was removed.z You cannot use the hard disk lock function without setting the Supervisor Password. Set the Supervisor Passwordbeforehand (Î page 8).z When you have your hard disk drive repaired• Contact Panasonic Technical Support.• Before sending back the hard disk drive, be sure to set the [Hard Disk Lock] to [Disabled].NOTEz The hard disk lock function works with the built-in hard disk. It does not work with the external hard disk.z We recommend you to set [Password on boot] to [Enabled] to ensure security though it is not required to enable thehard disk lock.Preventing Your Computer from Unauthorized UsePreventing Your Hard Disk Data from Being Read or Written