Panasonic CQDF202 Operating Instructions Manual
ENGLISH14CQ-DF202W 23ENGLISH13CQ-DF202W22Installation Guide5ItemNo. Diagram Q’tyWARNINGThis installation information is designed for experienced installers and is not in-tended for non-technical individuals. It does not contain warnings or cautions of po-tential dangers involved in attempting to install this product.Any attempt to install this product in a motor car by anyone other than qualified in-staller could cause damage to the electrical system and could result in serious per-sonal injury or death.❐ Installation Hardware If you encounter problems, please consult yournearest professional installer.678Mounting collarHex. nut (5 mm·)Rear support strapTapping screw(5 mm·a16 mm)Mounting bolt(5 mm·)Power connectorRemovable face platecaseTrim plate111111111234❐ Overview12 V DCTest bulbElectricaltapeSide-cutpliers❐ Required ToolsYou’ll need a screwdriver, a 1.5 V AA battery, andthe following:❐ Dashboard SpecificationsThicknessMin. 4.75 mmMax. 5.56 mm53 mm182 mmThis product should be installed by a professional.However, if you plan to install this product yourself,your first step is to decide where to install it. Theinstructions in these pages will guide you throughthe remaining steps:(Please refer to the “WARNING” statementabove.)≥ Identify and label the car wires.≥ Connect the car wires to the wires of the powerconnector.≥ Install the unit in the dashboard.≥ Check the operation of the unit.Caution:≥ This unit operates with a 12 V DC negativeground auto battery system only. Do not at-tempt to use it in any other system. Doing socould cause serious damage.Before you begin installation, look for the itemswhich are packed with your unit.≥ Panasonic Servicenter List for Service Directory…Keep for future reference in case the productneeds servicing.≥ Installation Hardware…Needed for in-dash in-stallation.The first step in installation is to identify all the carwires you’ll use when hooking up your sound sys-tem.As you identify each wire, we suggest that you labelit using masking tape and a permanent marker.This will help avoid confusion when making con-nections later.Note:≥ Do not connect the power connector to the stereounit until you have made all connections. If thereare no plastic caps on the stereo hooking wires,insulate all exposed leads with electrical tape untilyou are ready to use them. Identify the leads inthe following order.Power LeadIf your car has a radio or is pre-wired for one:Cut the connector wires one at a time from the plug(leaving the leads as long as possible) so that youcan work with individual leads.❐ Identify All Leads If your car is not wired for an audio unit:Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for thebattery, usually marked BAT.SpeakersIdentify the car speaker leads. There are two leadsfor each speaker which are usually color coded.A handy way to identify the speaker leads and thespeaker they are connected with is to test the leadsusing a 1.5 V AA battery as follows.Hold one lead against one pole of the battery andstroke the other lead across the other pole. You willhear a scraping sound in one of the speakers if youare holding a speaker lead.If not, keep testing different lead combinations untilyou have located all the speaker leads. When youlabel them, include the speaker location for each.Antenna MotorIf your car is equipped with an automatic power an-tenna, identify the car motor antenna lead by con-necting one bulb tester lead to the car battery leadand touching the remaining exposed wires from thecut radio connector plug one at a time. You willhear the antenna motor activate when you touchthe correct wire.AntennaThe antenna lead is a thick, black wire with a metalplug at the end.Turn the ignition on to the accessory position, andground one lead of the test bulb to the chassis.Touch the other lead of the test bulb to each of theexposed wires from the cut radio connector plug.Touch one wire at a time until you find the outletthat causes the test bulb to light.Now turn the ignition off and then on. If the bulbalso turns off and on, that outlet is the car powerlead.If your car is not wired for an audio unit:Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for radio(RADIO), accessory (ACC), or ignition (IGN).Battery LeadIf your stereo unit has a yellow lead, you will needto locate the car’s battery lead. Otherwise you mayignore this procedure. (The yellow battery lead pro-vides continuous power to maintain a clock, memo-ry storage, or other function.)If your car has a radio or is pre-wired for one:With the ignition and headlights off, identify the carbattery lead by grounding one lead of the test bulbto the chassis and checking the remaining exposedwires from the cut radio connector plug.Now that you have identified all the wires in the car,you are ready to begin connecting them to thestereo unit wires. The wiring diagram (➡ page 28)shows the proper connections and color coding ofthe leads.We strongly recommend that you test the unit be-fore making a final installation.You can set the unit on the floor and make tempo-rary connections to test the unit. Use electrical tapeto cover all exposed wires.❐ Connect All LeadsGroundConnect the black ground lead of the power con-nector to the metal car chassis.Important:≥ Connect the red power lead last, after youhave made and insulated all other connec-tions. |
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