9.7. Energy Save Operation•••• During cooling operation, or heating operation, when pushing the [ECONOMY] button in the wired remote controller, energysave operation start and [ECO] sign is displayed at LCD display panel of wired remote controller ([ECONOMY] sign is displayedat LCD display panel of wireless remote controller).•••• When energy save operation start and temperature differences is +1K (=indoor suction temperature - setting temperature) forcooling operation, or -1K for heating operation for 30 minute, thermostat OFF point shift to 0.5K.(This means thermostat OFF point shift up +0.5K for cooling, thermostat OFF point shift down -0.5K for heating)From this control, it is judged that indoor side heat loss is small, then reduce compressor frequency. This means energy saveoperation.•••• Those kind of operation continue maximum 4 times. If temperature is out of range (thermostat off +1K for cooling, thermostatoff -1K for heating), operation release from energy save control. But energy save control cannot be released by pushingON/OFF button of remote controller, but still effective. When pushing [ECONOMY] button once again, energy save controlreleased.9.8. Outdoor Fan Remaining Heat Removal Control•••• When compressor stop, outdoor fan operate for 1 minute to remove the remaining heat.9.9. Crank Case Heater Control•••• Crank case heater power is on to prevent the refrigerant solving into compressor oil inside of the compressor shell at coldcondition.•••• When below conditions are satisfied, crank case heater power on.−−−− Compressor stop−−−− Outdoor temperature 15°C−−−− Compressor discharge temperature 15°C9.10. Valve Error•••• When install the air conditioner unit and try to start forced operation (cooling mode) after completion the installation, in case of3 way valve close, valve error displayed at the wired remote controller to protect the compressor.•••• This error can be detected to satisfy below condition, when power is on at first time and within 7 minute from compressor start.(However, it is judged that power on is the first time until compressor start operating continuosly for 7 minute)−−−− Indoor heat exchanger temperature when compressor start - 3K < current indoor heat exchanger temperature for 5 minute−−−− Indoor suction temperature - 3K < current heat exchanger temperature for 5 minute.31CS-F50DTE5 CU-L50DBE8