6112.4.25 F93 (Compressor Rotation Failure)Malfunction Decision Conditions A compressor rotation failure is detected by checking the compressor running condition through the positiondetection circuit.Malfunction Caused Compressor terminal disconnect. Faulty Outdoor PCB. Faulty compressor.TroubleshootingWhen F93 indication happens.Check the U, V and W connector connection:- Turn OFF the power.- Check the U, V and W connector connection atoutdoor PCB and compressor terminal.NOFrom the disconnected harnesses U, V and W,correct them to the inverter checker. Turn ON thepower and operate the system. Check the inverterchecker 6 LEDs blinking condition.Disconnect the harnesses U, V and W from thecompressor terminal.Is the blinking of the 6 LEDs in samesequence/condition.Is the connector connection normal?For safety reason and to preventcomponent breakdown, alwaysswitch off the power before removeand connect the component.Correct the connection.Connector poor contact.NOYESYESReplace outdoor unit PCB.IPM defective.Replace compressor.