General Notes- 35 -PARTS LISTSCHEMATIC NOTES1. Resistors are carbon 1/4W unless notedotherwise.2. Capacitors are ceramic 50V unless notedotherwise.3. Coil value notes is inductance in μH.4. Test point indicated by ; Test point but nopin .5. Components indicated with are criticalparts and replacement should be madewith manufacture specified replacementparts only.6. (BOLD LINE) indicates the routeof B+ supply.7. The schematic diagrams are current atthe time of printing and are subject tochange without notice.8. Ground symbol indicates HOTGROUND CONNECTION;indicates COLD GROUND.NOTE: All other component symbols areused for engineering designpurposes.WAVEFORM MEASUREMENTS1. indicates waveform measurement.(Measurement can be taken at the bestaccessible location in common to theindicated point.)2. Taken with an NTSC signal generatorconnected to the antenna terminal.(NTSC color bar pattern of 8 bars of EIAcolors, 100 IRE white and 7.5 IRE black.)3. Customer Controls (Picture/Audio Menu) areset to Normalize. Volume is set to “MIN”.4. All video and color waveforms are takenwith a wideband scope and a probewith low capacitance (10 to 1). Shapeand peak altitudes may varydepending on the type of Oscilloscopeused and its settings.5. Ground symbol shown on waveformnumber indicates (Hot) ground leadconnection of the Oscilloscope.CAUTION: Incorrect ground connection ofthe test equipment will result in erroneousreadings.3VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS1. Voltage measurement:- AC input to the Receiver is 120V.NTSC (HD, 1125i & 525P whenapplicable) signal generator isconnected to the antenna of theReceiver. (Color bar pattern of 100IRE white and 7.5 IRE black.)- All Picture and Audio adjustments areset to Normalize.TV ANT/CABLE - (Set-Up Menu) inTV/ANT ModeVolume - Min.TV/Video SW - TV positionAudio Mode - Stereo- Voltage readings are nominal andmay vary ±10% on active devices.Some voltage reading will varywith signal strength and picturecontent.- Supply voltages are nominal.2. Ground symbol indicates ground leadconnection of meter.Incorrect ground connection will resultin erroneous readings.CAUTION: Incorrect ground connectionof the test equipment will result inerroneous readings.IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICETHIS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM INCORPORATES SPECIALFEATURES THAT ARE IMPORTANT FOR PROTECTION FROMX-RADIATION, FIRE AND ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDS.WHEN SERVICING IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT ONLYMANUFACTURERS SPECIFIED PARTS BE USED FOR THECRITICAL COMPONENTS DESIGNATED WITH A IN THESCHEMATIC.BE CCHIP TRANSISTORLEAD DESIGNATION