V-CHIP MENU OPERA TIONV-Chip Menu OperationProcedureUse the numeric keypad to enter your four digit code.(Use a code that is easy to remember and record it ina safe place.)Press CH • to enter the BLOCK PROGRAMS field.Press • VOL or VOL • to select desired option: U.S.TV Programs, U.S. Movies, Canadian English orCanadian French.Press CH • to highlight STATUS.Press • VOL or VOL • to display desired rating chart:U.S. TV Programs, U.S. Movies, Canadian English orCanadian French.Press VOL • to select ON or OFF.Press CH • to select VIEW NR PROGRAMS? for U.S.TV Programs and U.S. Movies or VIEW E PROGRAMSfor Canadian English and Canadian French.Press VOL • to select YES or NO.U.S. TV PROGRAMSThis "IV model features the "V-Chip technology" whichallows you to use U.S. "IV PROGRAMS Guide ratings toblock various types of TV programs.Note: Selecting "Yes" NR programs will be received. Selecting"NO'; NR programs will be blocked (See CustomerCaution right)..ProcedurePress CH • to select SETTINGPress VOL • to select BASIC or DETAILED.BASIC - Allows you to select only general ratings suchas TV-Y, TV-PG, etc.DETAILED - Allows you to select both general ratingsand content such as V, L, etc.Press CH • or CH • to move between different ratings.Use • VOL or VOL • to select ratings you want toblock (RED) and unblock (GREEN).ACTIONPress twice to retum to MODE in Lock menu.Press CH • to select HOW LONG?.Press • VOL or VOL • to select 12, 24, 48 hours orALWAYS.?it!!¸¸_i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!¸!_ ___ _i!!_ __ nliiliiiilili i i i ii i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i ii i iThe V-Chip system that is used in this set is capable of blocking"NR" programs (non rated, not applicable and none) per FCCRules Section 15.120(e)(2). tf the option of blocking "NR"programs is chosen "unexpected and possibly confusingresults may occur, and you may not receive emergencybulletins or any of the following types of programming:"Emergency Bulletins (Such as EAS messages,weather wamings and others)Locally originated programmingNewsPoliticalPublic Service AnnouncementsReligiousSportsWeatherU.S. TV Programs Rating Chart DescriptionNR Not R_ted. SEE CUSTOMER CAUTION.All children. The themes and elements if] thisprogram are specifically designedfor a very youngaudience, includingchildren from ages 2-6.Dire¢ted to older children. Themes and elementsin this program may include mild physical orcemedi¢ violence, or may fdghten children underthe age of 7.General audience. It contains little or no violence,no strong language,and littleor no sexual dialogueor situations.Parental guidance suggested. The program maycen n nfrequentcease anguage,,miredviolence, some suggestive sexual dialogue andsituations.Parents strongly cautioned. This program maycontain sophisticated themes, sexual centenlstrong languageand more intenseviolence.Mature audiences only. This program may containmature themes, profane language, graphi_ violen¢_and explicit sexual centent.FV FANTASY/'CARTOON VIOLENCEV VIOLENCESEXOFFENSWE LANGUAGED DIALOGUE WITH SEXUAL CONTENTU.S. MOVIESThis "IV model features the "V-Chip technology" whichallows you to use Motion Picture Ratings when viewingmovies or video tapes. This innovation allows parents toblock various types of movies and video tapes at theirdiscretion.14e