iroller unit \r,ircs.‘Ihc connectiondiayrm (8) pages2.1, 22) sl~owstltc proper comcctioiis arid colorcoding of the Icatls.WC strotqly rccoininct~dthat you test the unitbeforemakinga firtal installatiori.You can set the udt on the floor and maketempo.,rary connectionsto test tltc unit. Useelectricaltapeto cover all cxposctlwires.Comicct the red power lead last, after youhave made aid insulated all other insulatedaid secure.13undlcall loosc wires atltlfastenthem with tapeso thy won’t fall down later.Coqrattrlations! After making a few fhal checks,you are readyto cujoy your riew auto I.COmonitor.I’ ZMM Checks1. Makesure that all wires arc properly connectedand iiistrlatcd.2. ‘ftirn on the igdtion to checkthe tmit for properopcratioihGrormtlComicctthe blackgrouitd leadof the powerCOIIIICC~~tor to the metalcar chassis.If you havedifficulties, consult your nearestautlio-rizcil profcssioiialinstallerfor assistance.Coriricctthe red power lcatl to the correct car tatliowire or to the appropriate fuse pott oil the fuseblock.If the I.Cl) monitor fuilctions ltropcrly with all thesecoriiicctioris made, tliscom~cctthe wires arid pro-ceedto the fhal installatiorl.;W~rtlili~Wherearid how this rmit is installeddiffers accordingto the car modelconcerned.As such, the informa-tion containediii this iiistallntioil guideis tIcsitJrictlfor professionaliostallcrsarid is ilot iiitciidcrl for eon-techical intlivirhals.