11Getting To KnowYour MachineNOTE 1. If your machine sounds an alarm (pi-pi-pi) in Step 4 above, this indicates that the Dialer is Full(more than 50 full Email Addresses are entered or 50 transmission reservations including G3communication have been already reserved).2. To utilize the Email functions, your machine needs to be set up properly on your network.Please contact your network administrator for actual network setup.3. Auto Dialer (One-Touch/ABBR.) is only available when stations are registered.(See page 136)4. When transmitting in Photo or S-Fine mode, there is a possibility that printing quality maydeteriorate at the remote station due to its reception capability. If this occurs, re-send withDirect Transmission or use "Fine" Resolution.5. You can send the same document(s) to multiple stations by repeating Steps 4a, 4b or 4c, andthen pressing .6. To stop the transmission, see page 12.Sending Non-Standard Size DocumentsWhen transmitting non-standard size document(s), themachine will not send the portion of the document thatexceeds the standard size ("P" portion).The portion labelled "P" that exceeds the standarddocuments size is not sent.2 3Select the desiredTransmission setting.(See the right column) 4a4b4c5 6The document(s) is stored intomemory with a file number.Then starts sending thedocument(s).Transmission SettingsWhen an original is scanned fromthe Platen Glass, the message"ANOTHER ORIGINAL?" isshown.Place another original,then press .Machine startssending.STARTS-FINE for finer detailed originals(400 or 600 dpi, see page 146)FINE for detailed originalsSTANDARD for standard originals(both LED lights go out)PHOTO for photo or illustrationoriginalsTEXT/PHOTOTEXT for text only originalsfor text and photo originalsLETTER : Letter-R* ORIGINAL SIZE key isused for Platen Glass.* Legal size with ADF only.INVOICE : InvoiceIf set on otherfunction mode.LETTER : LetterINVOICE : Invoice-RLEDGER : LedgerLGL : LegalSTART