− 4-14 −4.7. Bluetooth ModuleFigure 4.10: Bluetooth ModuleBluetoothBC313143AVRF3Balun/FilterBT26M(26MHz)UART_RTSUART_CTSUART_RXUART_TXPCM_SYNCPCM_CLKPCM_INPCM_OUTUSB_D-USB_D+SPI_MOSISPI_MISOSPI_CLKSPI_CSBXTAL_INXTAL_OUTBT_RSTPIO[6]PIO[7]PIO[5]PIO[4]PIO[3]PIO[2]TX_BTX_ARF_INPIO[1]PIO[0]AIO[0]AIO[1]AIO[2]PIO[10]PIO[11]PIO[9]PIO[8]OMAP310PMB8870SGOLDI2C_SDAI2C_SCLPMB8611PMICFSYSAFC AFCVCXO_EN VRF3VRF1VRF2LRF12.85v,250mALRF22.85v,10mALRF32.65v,150mAVmainVDDRFVRF2RF Sub-SystemVCTCXO26MHzVRF1PMB6258VCXO_ENVDDPWVDDBVLBB1VLBB2SDBBSDBBVDDCSDBB1.8v,850mALBB11.5v,170mALBB21.5v,220mAVmainGPIO12UART2_CTSUART2_RTSUART2_RXUART2_TXIPCSerial I/FI2S1_CLK0I2S1_TXI2S1_RXI2S1_WA0I2S1VRF1ENENBT-CLK-REQBT-AntennaBluetooth RFDIF-D7(I2S1-WA1)VBT181.8VVBT18 VBT18U201U100U200U304U500The X700 handset contains a Bluetooth module centered on Cambridge Silicon Radio’s (CSR) BlueCore3-ROM IC(U201).This provides short range (typically 10 meters or less) connectivity from the handset to Bluetooth-enabled devicessuch asheadsets, car kits, and personal computers in order to transfer voice and/or data. Shown below is the block diagramof the X700 Bluetooth interface.The Bluetooth IC connects to the UART2 interface on OMAP which provides the control and data interface to the applicationprocessor.The 4-wire UART connection (TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS) uses the BlueCore Serial Protocol (H5) with error detectionand re-transmission.The PCM audio connection from Bluetooth is connected to the I2S1 port on SGOLD. The PCM interface (with BT as theMaster) is configured for a 256kHz bit-clock and an 8kHz sync rate.The Bluetooth chip is powered by the VRF3 (2.65v @ 150mA) regulator supplied by the SM-PWR IC. VRF3 supplies the I/Oblock as well as an integrated 1.8v @ 100mA regulator (VBT18). This (VBT18) is used to power the RF portion, analogsection, core and memory of the Bluetooth sub-system.