853Related InformationFIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTOELECTRICSENSORSMICROPHOTOELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSLIGHTCURTAINSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASUREMENTSENSORSSTATIC CONTROLDEVICESENDOSCOPELASERMARKERSPLC /TERMINALSHUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGY CONSUMPTIONVISUALIZATIONCOMPONENTSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSSelectionGuideWafer DetectionLiquid LeakDetectionLiquid LevelDetectionWater DetectionColor MarkDetectionHot Melt GlueDetectionUltrasonicSmall /Slim Object DetectionObstacleDetectionOther ProductsSQ4EX-F70/EX-F60LiquidSensor bodyLeakage panLeakage panLeak Detection Sensor Amplifier Built-inEX-F70 SERIES EX-F60 SERIES■General terms and conditions ........... F-17■General precautions ..................... P.1405High-speed detection even a little liquid leakReliable detectionThe unique effect ofcapillarity enables reliabledetection of small leaksand viscous liquids.EX-F70 SERIESNo need for sensitivity adjustmentNo need for sensitivity adjustment with adjuster, so initialmounting is easy.Easy operation checkSafe designIf the sensor is not mounted correctly, if the cable isbroken or disconnected, or if the sensor is not operatingcorrectly, the output is the same as when the beam isnot received (LEAK). Design deals with human errorssuch as, forgetting to mount, etc.This sensor is equipped with a NORMAL indicator (green)which lights up when mounting correctly, and a FAULTindicator (red) which lights up when sensing the leaked liquidor when mounted incorrectly (forgetting to mount exclusivemounting bracket). So, the operation can be checked easily.PVC mounting bracket availableA mounting bracket made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) isavailable. This mounting bracket can be used normally inenvironments that would corrode normal metal brackets.Easy installation & resetFacilitates easy installation: the SUS mounting brackettype can be installed using only a single screw and thePVC mounting bracket type can be installed using onlytwo screws or an adhesive. No component replacementrequired for resetting after leak detection. The simpleshape makes it easy to wipe off the leaked liquid.Capillarity effectNew type of detection methodWhen a leak occurs, the beam from the beam-emitting part scattersthrough the leaked liquid and is not transmitted to the beam-receiving part. Beam-emitting part Beam-receiving partLeakage panLeakedliquidSensingsurfaceBeam-emitting part Beam-receiving partLeakage panSensingsurfaceThe beam from the beam-emitting partscatters through the leaked liquid and isnot transmitted to the beam-receiving part.The beam from the beam-emitting partreflects off of the surface of the sensor andis transmitted to the beam-receiving part.Compact, space-savingThis slim (10 mm 0.394 in)side-mounting sensor isespecially good for usein confined spaces.SUS mounting bracket typeEX-F71□PVC mounting bracket typeEX-F72□10 mm0.394 inapprox.EX-F72□Conforming toEMC Directive Recognition■Sensor selection guide ................. P.831~■Korea’s S-mark ............................. P.1410Certified(Excluding PNP output type)panasonic-electric-works.net/sunx