Model EY6812ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSB HOW TO ASSEMBLE THE INTERNAL MECHANISM BLOCK.(Assembly should be done block by block, in order of intermediate shaft block, output shaft blockand hammer w/piston block.(g) Use specific grease (SHELL ASG-7) supplied by the part number (EY6811X5517) for mechanism part.Ref. No. lA Procedure lARef. No. 2A Procedure lA -► 2AUniversal couplingPiston and hammer blockAssembly of the output shaft block.1. Check the direction of the chuck spring withsetting (B) part upward.Press and screw the spring into the chuckring.2. Insert the chuck ring block into the outputshaft block with adjusting (A) part of springto (A') part of the output shaft block.3. Put the transmission keys into the right andleft side of the output shaft block.4. Assemble the chuck cam with setting (B’) partdownward to the output shaft block.NOTE: After inserting the chuck cam into theoutput shaft block, slightly turn thechuck cam clockwise direction; and turnthe chuck ring counterclockwise directionto adjust the (B) part of spring to (S')part of chuck cam.5. Insert the chuck key (C) into the outputshaft block (C) part.6. Set the snap ring.7. Assemble the chuck cover with fitting the (D)part of chuck cover and (O') part of chuckcam.Assembly of the piston and hammer block.1. When inserting the hammer into piston,clean around the exhaust holes.2. When inserting the hammer into the piston,make sure that its orientation is correct.NOTE : In particular, hammer 0-ring, inside ofthe piston and cylinder of output shaftblock require adequate greasing as theyare subject to heating from compressedair.i1