- 13 -- 13 -(3) Battery low warning lampExcessive (complete) discharging oflithium ion batteries shortens theirservice life dramatically. The driverincludes a battery protection featuredesigned to prevent excessive dis-charging of the battery pack.• The battery protection feature ac-tivates immediately before thebattery loses its charge, causingthe battery low warning lamp toflash.• If you notice the battery low warn-ing lamp flashing, charge the bat-tery pack immediately.• If it is started with too little batterypower remaining, the tool may stopoperating without the battery lowwarning lamp flashing first. Thisindicates that there is too little bat-tery power remaining to use thetool, and the battery pack shouldbe charged before further use.• If the tool is subject to a suddenload during use that causes themotor to lock up, the overdischargeprevention sensor may be trig-gered, and the battery low warninglamp may flash. The lamp will stopflashing once you address thecause of the motor’s locking up andcycle the trigger.• The battery protection feature mayactivate when a high load is ab-ruptly placed on the motor, even ifample battery charge remains. Inthis case, both the battery lowwarning lamp and LED light willflash. (EY78A1)Off(normaloperation)Flashing(No charge)Battery protectionfeature activeilluminates or flashes when thisfeature is active.● If the overheating protectionfeature a c t i v a t e s , a l l o w t h et o o l t o c o o l thoroughly (atleast 30 minutes). The tool isready for use when the overheatwarning lamp goes out.● Avoid using the tool in a way thatcauses the overheating protec-tion feature to activate repeatedly.● If the tool is operated continuouslyunder high-load conditions or if it isused in hot-temperature conditions(such as during summer), theoverheating protection feature mayactivate frequently.● If the tool is used in cold-temperature conditions (such asduring winter) or if it is frequentlystopped during use, the overheat-ing protection feature may notactivate.● The performance of the EY9L42deteriorates significantly at andbelow 10°C due to work conditionsand other factors.● The ambient temperature range isbetween 0°C (32°F) and 40°C(104°F). If the battery pack is usedwhen the battery temperature isbelow 0°C (32°F), the tool may failto function properly.● Use the charger at temperaturesbetween 0°C and 40°C, andcharge the battery at a tempera-ture similar to that of the batteryitself. (There should be no morethan a 15°C difference betweenthe temperatures of the batteryand the charging location.)