http://cxema.ruThis Service Manual is copyright and issued on the strict understanding that it is not to be reproduced, copied, ordisclosed to anythird party, either in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Matsushita CommunicationIndustrial UK Ltd.Everycare has been taken to ensure that the contents of this manual give an accurate representation of theequipment. However, Matsushita Communication Industrial UK Ltd. accepts no responsibilityfor inaccuracies whichmayoccur and reserves the right to make changes to specification or design without prior notice.The information contained in this manual and all rights in anydesigns disclosed therein, are and remain theexclusive propertyof Matsushita Communication Industrial UK Ltd.Other patents applying to material contained in this publication:BULL CP8 PATENTSComments or correspondence concerning this manual should be addressed to:Customer Support Department,Matsushita Communication Industrial UK Ltd.,Colthrop,Thatcham,Berkshire. RG19 4ZD.ENGLAND© 1998 Matsushita Communication Industrial UK Ltd.Issue 1 ii MCUK980101C8Revision 0 Service Manual