VQT3P12 149IMPORTANT MESSAGES AND ALERTSIMPORTANT MESSAGES AND ALERTSIMPORTANT MESSAGES AND ALERTSCOMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONSIf you have a question about the camera operation, you might find the answerin this compilation of commonly asked questions.Question Answer ActionPowerWhy doesn’t thepower turn on?Due to coldtemperatures, thebattery packtemporarily lost itspower.Place the camera inyour pocket to warmit up before using it.Why is the batterypack consumedso quickly evenafter it was fullyrecharged?The ambienttemperature isvery low.Keep the batterypack in anenvironment of 10 to35 °C (50 to 95 °F).The battery packlife has expired.If a battery becomesdepleted quickly evenafter it was sufficientlycharged, it should beassumed that thebattery has reachedthe end of its servicelife. Please replace itwith a new battery.Why doesn’trecharging end?The battery packlife has expired.Replace with a newbattery pack. If thisis not effective,consult your dealer.Why does theicon appear?The remainingbattery packpower is low.Use the AC adaptor,or replace thebattery pack with afully charged one.ShootingWhy is the statusindicator lit red?A recorded file isbeing saved onthe card or built-inmemory.Not a malfunction.Wait until the statusindicator turns off.Why doesn’t theflash operate?The camera hasdetermined thatthe image is brightenough and theflash is notnecessary.Not a malfunction.Capture the image;the camera willdetermine when theflash is necessary.