Read Me First10Information to the userThis product and your healthThis product, like other radio devices,emits radio frequency electromagneticenergy. The level of energy emitted by thisproduct however is far much less than theelectromagnetic energy emitted by wirelessdevices like for example mobile phones.Because this product operates withinthe guidelines found in radio frequencysafety standards and recommendations,we believe this product is safe for useby consumers. These standards andrecommendations reflect the consensusof the scientific community and result fromdeliberations of panels and committeesof scientists who continually review andinterpret the extensive research literature.In some situations or environments, theuse of this product may be restricted bythe proprietor of the building or responsiblerepresentatives of the organization. Thesesituations may for example include:xp Using this product on board of airplanes, orxp In any other environment where the risk ofinterference to other devices or services isperceived or identified as harmful.If you are uncertain of the policy that applieson the use of wireless devices in a specificorganization or environment (e.g. airports), youare encouraged to ask for authorization to usethis product prior to turning on the product.Regulatory InformationWe are not responsible for any radioor television interference caused byunauthorized modification of this product.The correction of interference caused bysuch unauthorized modification will bethe responsibility of the user. We and itsauthorized resellers or distributors are notliable for damage or violation of governmentregulations that may arise from failing tocomply with these guidelines.26-M-1Lithium batteryLithium battery!This computer contains a lithium batteryto enable the date, time, and other datato be stored. The battery should onlybe exchanged by authorized servicepersonnel.Warning!A risk of explosion from incorrectinstallation or misapplication may possiblyoccur.15-E-1Pile au lithium!Le micro-ordinateur renferme une pileau lithium qui permet de sauvegardercertaines données, notamment la date etl’heure. La pile ne doit être remplacée quepar un technicien qualifié.Danger!Risque d’explosion en cas de non respectde cette mise en garde!15-F-1Regulatory information