39nsNo more need to pre-sort documentsAutomatic Binary / Colour DistinctionTwo-in-one convenienceDouble ExposureThis function automatically detects when a set of documentscontains some colour sheets and some monochrome (B/W)sheets. You can feed these together without sorting, and themachine will automatically compress the data efficientlyaccording to whether a sheet is colour or monochrome (B/W),so the electronic file size is minimised. This is a feature typicallyfound only on high-end scanners.Double Exposure automatically scans then saves two-sideddocuments into a single-page file. It is highly effective fordocuments printed on both sides, such as checks, stockcertificates, post cards, and business cards.age Capturecessingtly createDocuments Image dataColour documentsOFFOFFONB/W documentsDocuments Image dataFront SideBack SideB/W Scan SettingColour documents are also scannedin black and white, making themdifficult to understand.Full-Colour Scan SettingB/W documents are also scannedin colour, resulting in large imagefile sizes.Colour and B/W documentsare automatically detected,and the scanning method ischanged accordingly.Image are stored using themost suitable method.irection, thisdocuments. This boostse directiontitiesDOCUMENT SCANNERFeatures and Softwaretically adjustsn documentsanned imagesned Data*2th Background Removal.