38F11:Sent data time-outerrorAC 00 00 00 1. Carriage-feed mechanismhas some problems.1. Restart the scanner, and then execute"Carriage Drive" in Sec. 9.3.5 tocheck whether this phenomenon isreproduced.2. Check the mechanical condition ofthe belt and gears on the Motor Assy.3. Check the belt tension controlled by theTension Plate Assy.4. Check the Shaft for the carriage isproperly assembled.5. Replace faulty parts.2. Motor drive signals from theCONTROL Board are nottransmitted to the CarriageMotor.1. Check the following connection andsoldering condition on each connector:(1) JP3 (CONTROL Board) to CarriageMotor(2) JP2 (CONTROL Board) to ACAdaptor2. Replace faulty parts.3. Scanner is not be put on ahorizontal level area.Set the scanner on a horizontal level area.F12:Read data time-outerrorAD 00 00 00 1. Carriage-feed mechanismhas some problems.1. Restart the scanner, and then execute"Carriage Drive" in Sec. 9.3.5 tocheck whether this phenomenon isreproduced.2. Check the mechanical condition ofthe belt and gears on the Motor Assy.3. Check the belt tension controlled by theTension Plate Assy.4. Check the Shaft for the carriage isproperly assembled.5. Replace faulty parts.2. Motor drive signals from theCONTROL Board are nottransmitted to the CarriageMotor.1. Check the following connection andsoldering condition on each connector:(1) JP3 (CONTROL Board) to CarriageMotor(2) JP2 (CONTROL Board) to ACAdaptor2. Replace faulty parts.3. Scanner is not be put on ahorizontal level area.Set the scanner on a horizontal level area.F21:RAM Read / Writeerror04 00 00 00 1. SDRAM Read / Write erroroccurs.1. Check the soldering condition ofSDRAM, ASIC, and their surroundingcircuits on the CONTROL Board.2. Replace the CONTROL Board.Error Code Possible Cause Check Point RemarksClassificationCodeST1 ST2 ST3 ST4