Operating Instructions[For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 372 Various Camera Features2.1 Using Camera Features1. Access the camera (see page 11).• The Top page is displayed.Note• When [Permit access from guest users] is set on the Security:Administrator page, click [login] button and log in as an administrator.• When users other than an administrator are accessing the camera, the[Setup] and [Maintenance] tabs are not displayed.• If [View Multi-Camera page] or [View Buffered Image page] is notpermitted on the General User page, [Multi-Camera] or [Buffered Image]tab will not be displayed.2. Click [Setup] tab at the top of the page.Top Multi Setup Maintenance SupportSingle Buffered ImageBasicBasicAccountAccountAdvancedAdvancedNetwork(IPv4)Network(IPv4)Connection ModeConnection ModeConnection ModeConnection ModeAutomatic SetupAutomatic SetupStaticStaticDHCPDHCPCurrent SettingCurrent SettingXX(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(8)(9)Set up network configuration.Select "Automatic Setup" if you connect the camera to the router and wish to set it up automatically.Select "Static" if you wish to assign a static IP address to the camera.Select "DHCP" if you are using the DHCP function of your router or ISP.Configure network settings automaticallyAssign static IP address to the camera.Get IP address from DHCP serverNetwork(IPv4)Network(IPv4)Network(IPv6)Network(IPv6)IPsecIPsecUPnPUPnPViewnetcam.comiewnetcam.comDate andDate and TimeimeCameraCameraAdministratorAdministratorGeneral UserGeneral UserImage DisplayImage DisplayMulti-CameraMulti-CameraBufBuffer/TransferOperationOperation TimeimeExternal OutputExternal OutputIndicator ControlIndicator Control