Operating Instructions[For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 1055.4 TroubleshootingAbout Network Camera SetupProblem Cause and RemedyWhen SetupCD-ROMcannot findNetworkCamera.• Reconnect the AC adaptor if installation is not completed within20 minutes.• Do not connect Network Camera over a broadband router.Setup program cannot detect Network Camera.• If IP address is not assigned to the PC, setup program cannotfind Network Camera. Confirm that IP address is assigned tothe PC in the way shown on page 23. IP address of the PC canbe assigned on TCP/IP Properties window to access throughthe steps in the TCP/IP Properties Table on page 24.• Confirm that the Network Configuration from setup program isenabled on Network window on page 50.• When you set up Network Camera in [Type 3], connecttemporarily Network Camera in [Type 1], [Type 2] or [Type 4].• Antivirus software on the PC may interfere with the setupprogram. Disable the firewall of the antivirus software onlywhen setting up Network Camera.When Setupprogram fails tosave thenetworkparameters.• Reconnect the AC adaptor if installation is not completed within20 minutes.• Network may have the trouble. Confirm the parameters and theconnections of Network Camera through page 18—page 31.Top Page doesnot appear inthe InternetConnection.• Confirm that Default Gateway address is correct on Networkwindow on page 50.• The broadband router needs Port Forwarding (IP Masquerade)feature. Refer to the broadband router's manual for details.• Packet Filtering of the broadband router may prohibit accessfrom an external network. Refer to broadband router's manualfor details.• Access Network Camera from the Internet with the global IPaddress of the broadband router and port number of NetworkCamera.• Some broadband routers reject the global IP address to accessNetwork Camera on the same LAN. Access with the private IPaddress of Network Camera.