Camera LED indicatorsYou can use the LED indicators to confirm the camera’s status.Camera LED indicator StatusOff R No powerR More than 5 seconds have passed since turning on thepower when the camera is not registered to the accesspointR LED indicator is turned off*1Green or amber, blinking quickly -off for 1 second Camera is on*1Amber, lit Not registered to the access point*2, or signal level isgood*3Green, lit Registration successfully completed or signal level isstrong*3Green, blinking quickly Camera is searching for an access point*1Red, lit Registration failed, signal level is weak*3, or detectingmotion*1Red, blinking quickly Streaming data*1Amber, blinking slowly Battery is running low*1Green, blinking slowly Registration mode, updatingRed, blinking slowly Camera is out of range of the access point*1,*3*1 You can configure the camera so that its LED indicator does not light during normaloperation. For more information, refer to the User’s Guide (page 32).*2 The LED indicator lights in amber for 5 seconds after the power is turned on for the camera.*3 The signal level (strong, good, weak, out of range) is shown after pressing MSETUPN for 3seconds.For assistance, please visit 21Setup