I want to detect people entering the garageRefer to the table below for detecting people entering a garage without detecting cars in the street.Ideal example Poor exampleVisitors pass in front of the camera from sideto side, cars in the street are less likely tocause false detections.R To prevent faces from being obscured bytall vehicles, adjust the installation positionand angle of the camera.Cars in the street are more likely to causefalse detections.Note:R The visual detection range is as follows.– Horizontal: 150°– Vertical: 85°Do not install in theselocationsInstalling in the following areas may causedeformation, discoloration, malfunction, oroperational failureR In direct sunlight or directly under anoutdoor light (even if the surroundings arewithin operational temperature range, partsof the product may become hot)R Areas subject to frequent vibration, shock,or impactR Near fire, heating devices, or airconditioners (including outdoor equipmentsuch as unit compressors)R Areas exposed to grease or steamR Near devices that emit strong radio waves,such as mobile phonesFor assistance, please visit http://shop.panasonic.com/support 11Installation LocationHNC710_(en_en)_0207_ver.110.pdf 11 2018/02/07 20:11:47