Security cautionsTake appropriate measures toavoid the following securitybreaches when using this product.– Leaks of private information– Unauthorised use of this product– Unauthorised interference orsuspension of the use of thisproductTake the following measures toavoid security breaches:R Configure the wireless routerthat connects your mobiledevice to this product to useencryption for all wirelesscommunication.R You may be vulnerable tosecurity breaches if the unit isused with the login password,disarm code, or PIN code, orother settings at their defaultvalues. Configure your ownvalues for these settings.R Do not use passwords thatcould be easily guessed by athird party. If you keep a recordof your passwords, protect thatrecord. Change passwordsregularly.R If you lose your mobile device,change the password used toaccess this product.R If you enable the product’s autologin feature, enable the screenlock or similar security featureon your mobile device.R Take care when performingimportant security relatedoperations, such as deletingunit IDs.R To prevent disclosure ofpersonal information, enablethe screen lock or similarsecurity feature on your mobiledevice.R When submitting the product forrepair, make a note of anyimportant information stored inthe product, as this informationmay be erased or changed aspart of the repair process.R Before handing the productover to a third party for repair orother purposes, perform afactory data reset to erase anydata stored in the product andremove the microSD card. Useonly trusted repair servicesauthorised by Panasonic.R Before disposing of the product,perform a factory data reset toerase any data stored in theproduct. Remove and erase themicroSD card.R If your mobile device will nolonger be used with the product,delete your mobile device’sregistration from the product9Important Information