Items Adjustment Point Procedure Check orReplace Parts(I)* BBIC ClockAdjusmentCLK 1. Execute the command "conttx".2. Input Command “rdeeprom 00 57 01”, then you can confirm the current value.3. Adjust the frequency of CLK executing the command "setfreq xx (where xx isthe value)" so that the reading of the frequency counter is 10.368000MHz ±10Hz.Note:CLK is displayed only for a few seconds when executing the command“conttx” after battery is inserted.IC1, X1, IC3,C7, L2, C54(J)* Transmitted PowerConfirmation- Remove the Antenna before starting step from 1 to 4.1. Configure the DECT tester (CMD60) as follows;•••• Test mode: PP•••• RFPI: 0102030408•••• Traffic Carrier: 5•••• Traffic Slot: 4•••• Mode: Loopback•••• RF LEVEL = -70dBm2. Execute the command "regcmd60 01 02 03 04 08".3. Initiate connection from DECT tester.4. Confirm that the NTP value at A201 (TP15) is 20dBm ~ 25dBm.IC1, IC3, L2,C54, C60,C61,C62, C63,C64,C65, C66,C67,C69, C81,C82,C56, R58,R55, R76(K)* Modulatoin Checkand Adjusment- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (J) above.4.Confirm that the B-Field Modulation is 360kHz/div ~ 380kHz/div using datatype Fig 31.5.Adjust the B-Field Modulation if required. (Execute the command"Readmod" and "wrtmod xx", where xx is the value.)IC1, IC3, L2,C54, C60,C61,C62, C63,C64,C65, C66,C67,C69, C81,C82,C56, R58,R55, R76(L) Frequency OffsetConfirmation- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (J) above.4.Confirm that the frequency Offset is < ± 50kHz.IC1, IC3, L2,C54, C60,C61,C62, C63,C64,C65, C66,C67,C69, C81,C82,C56, R58,R55, R76(M) Frequency DriftConfirmation- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (J) above.4.Confirm that the frequency Drift is < ± 30kHz/ms.IC1, IC3, L2,C54, C60,C61,C62, C63,C64,C65, C66,C67,C69, C81,C82,C56, R58,R55, R76(N) Sensitivity ReceiverConfirmation- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (J) above.4.Set DECT tester power to -88dBm.5.Confirm that the BER is < 1000ppm.IC1, IC3, L2,C54, C60,C61,C62, C63,C64,C65, C66,C67,C69, C81,C82,C56, R58,R55, R7667KX-TCD530AXM / KX-TCA151AXM