Items AdjustmentPointProcedure* Check(L) TimingConfirmation- Follow steps 1 to 4 of (H) above.5.Confirm that the Timing accuracy is < ± 10ppm. C111,C422C423,C405R411,C408C409,C401C402,C403(M)*RSSI LevelConfirmation- Follow steps 1 to 4 of (H) above.5.Set DECT tester power to -88dBm.6.Execute the command "readrssi"7.Confirm: 23 < returned value < 45 (hex).C111,C422C423,C405R411,C408C409,C401C402,C403(N)*Receive AudioCheck andConfirmationTP15 1. Configure the DECT tester (CMD60) as follows;-Test mode: PP-Mode: Nomal-RFPI: 01020304052. Execute the command "testmode".3. Execute the command "regcmd60"4. Initiate connection from DECT tester.5. Execute the command "openaudio".6. Confirm that the value of EEPROM address "34A" is "02". (If the value is not "02" (byUser), set "02" and power off and power on, and return to clause 2.)7. Input audio signal (50mVrms/1kHz tone) from DECT tester.-Scramble: On-AF Gen to ADPCM: On-AF Meter Input: AF Voltm-AF Gen Frequency: 1000Hz-AF Gen Level: 50mVrms8. Confirm hearing tone: 300mV ± 250mV (Just check Audio path)9. Confirm that the audio distortion with DECT tester is < 5 %.C111,C422C423,C405R411,C408C409,C401C402,C403D7,D9,C26C25,C60,C3R27,C29,C1L4,C35,C3860