Installation44 Installation Manual2.4.4 EXtra Device Port (XDP)/Parallelled Telephone ConnectionA Panasonic digital proprietary telephone and a single line telephone, including a facsimile,cordless telephone, etc., can be connected to 1 extension jack in parallel. There are 2 types ofparallel connections.• EXtra Device Port (XDP)A digital proprietary telephone and a single line telephone can be connected to the sameextension jack yet have different extension numbers. System programming is required.• Parallelled Telephone ConnectionAny single line telephone can be connected in parallel with a digital proprietarytelephone.Three examples of the connections are shown below. System programming is required todetermine the type of connection.• Programming Reference• [600] EXtra Device Port• Feature Reference• Extension Group• Not only a single line telephone but a single line device such as ananswering machine, a facsimile or modem (personal computer), etc., canbe connected in parallel with a digital proprietary telephone.• Programming Reference• Select "Disable" in programming [600] EXtra Device Port and thenassign "Ring/No Ring" refering to 2.8.13 Setting the ParallelConnected Telephone Ringer (Parallelled Telephone) in User Manual.• Feature Reference• Parallelled Telephone