4.2 Customising Your SystemCustomising Your Phone & System 187• You can assign CLIP and DDI/MSN numbers at System Speed Dialling locations 000-699.CLIP numbers can be assigned at the location 000-499. DDI/MSN numbers can beassigned at locations 500-699. We recommend that wild card numbers for CLIP be storedstarting at location 499, and then 498, 497, etc. That is, go backwards numbers startingfrom 499.We recommend the preceding because if you assign the wild card number "9-012 " at location 000, then all calls that start with "012" will be processedaccording to that routing — even though you assign "9-0123456789" at another location.This is because the CLIP or your DDI/MSN number is analysed sequentially from 000 to699.• When you assign a wild card, be sure to enter the whole number. For example, when thetelephone number has 10 digits and you want to assign an area code as the wild card,assign "9-012 ". ("012" is an example of an area code.)• If you assign a wild card number at the locations 000-499, the name assigned in4.2.4 System Speed Dialling and Intelligent Call Handling Name Set (002) will not bedisplayed when receiving the call. (Refer to 2.9.2 Recording a Call Log [KX-T7433, KX-T7436, KX-T7230, KX-T7235 only]. )• Up to 60 handling table numbers of Day/Night mode can be assigned for each 700 SystemSpeed Dialling and Intelligent Call Handling number. The receiving pattern can be assignedfor each handling table number. Intelligent Call Handling table number 61 and 62 arereserved to handle calls which the system cannot analyse. Be sure 61 (for day mode) isassigned to at least 1 extension and 62 (for night mode) is assigned to at least 1 extension.The destinations of 61 and 62 cannot be a floating extension, a phantom extension, or avoice mail extension.• The System Speed Dialling/Intelligent Call Handling numbers are used for the callidentification. For proper operation, a hyphen must be inserted after the line access number.Additionally, the area code must be stored always (even for local numbers in the samearea).• Up to 24 DDI/CLIP keys can be located at a CO button on a digital proprietary telephone.DDI/CLIP key is provided in accordance with CLIP and DDI/MSN call handling. The LEDindicator of the DDI/CLIP key flashes green when receiving a call from the CLIP number, orwith the DDI/MSN number, you assigned at SSD & ICH table. You can answer the call bypressing the flashing DDI/CLIP Key. (Refer to 4.1.3 Customising the Buttons)Customising Your Phone• 4.1.3 Customising the ButtonsCreate or re-arrange a DDI/CLIP key.Account code feature no.49Account code1234Account code delimiter#Automatic line access number9Phone numberSECRET[ 1 201 123 4567 ]