53KX-TG234SK/KX-TGA470B12.2.3. How to install Batch file into P.C.Note:• “*****” varies depending on the country or models.1. Insert the Batch file CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive andcopy PNZZTG**** folder to your PC (example: D drive).2. Open an MS-DOS mode window.3. At the DOS prompt, type "D:" (for example) to select thedrive, then press the Enter key.4. Type "CD 㪳PNZZTG****", then press the Enter key.5. Type "SET_COM=X", then press the Enter key(X: COM port number used for the serial connection on your PC).6. Type "READID", then press the Enter key.䊶If any error messages appear, change the port number or䇭check the cable connection.䊶If any value appear, go to next step.7. Type "DOSKEY", then press the Enter key.C: >Documents and Settings>D:D: >>CD >PNZZTG****D: >PNZZTG**** >SET_COM=XD: >PNZZTG****>READID00 52 4F A8 A8D: >PNZZTG****>DOSKEYD: >PNZZTG****>C: >Documents and Settings>D:D: >>CD >PNZZTG****D: >PNZZTG**** >SET_COM=XD: >PNZZTG****>READIDޓCreateFile errorERROR 10: Can't open serial portD: >PNZZTG ****>On your computer, click [Start], select Programs(All Programs for Windows XP/Windows Server 2003),then clickMS-DOS Prompt. (for Windows 95/Windows 98)OrAccessories-MS-DOS Prompt. (for Windows Me)OrCommand Prompt. (for Windows NT 4.0)OrAccessories-Command Prompt.(for Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows Server 2003)