Useful InformationAnswering SystemPreparation51Transferring a CallFor assistance, please call: 1-800-211-PANA(7262)Telephone SystemFrom a to another(when the system has two or more handsets)• If the Auto Talk feature is turned on (p. 19), the paged handset user can alsoanswer a page by simply lifting the handset off the base unit (or the charger, foraccessory handset users, p. 3).• Any user can answer a transferred call by pressing [C], [s], or [SP-PHONE].• If you call an extension from the handset in step 1, and the extension is in use, thedisplay will show “Busy” then “Hold”.Press [C] or [s] to return to the outside call.To transfer the call to another extension, repeat from step 1.ORTo transfer the call to a mailbox to allow the caller to leave a message, perform thefollowing three steps:(1) Tell the caller to press the # (pound sign) and the mailbox number of theperson they want to leave a message for after you end the call (p. 61).(2) Press [HOLD/INTERCOM].(3) Press [9] to transfer the caller to the Answering System greeting (p. 69).(The caller will hear the greeting and can select the appropriate mailbox.)1 During a call, press [HOLD/INTERCOM], then page another handsetby pressing its extension number ([1] to [4]).2 Wait for the paged party to answer, then you can announce thetransfer.• The paged handset user can answer by pressing [C], [s], or [HOLD/INTERCOM]. (Any button except [d], [B] or [OFF] can be pressed toanswer the page.)• If the paged party does not answer, press [C] or [s] to return to the outsidecall.3 To complete the transfer, press [OFF].Handset Handset