42KX-TG8041RU/KX-TGA800RU(K)* Frequency Offset Confir-mation- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (I).4.Confirm that the frequency Offset is < ± 20 kHz.IC1,R801~R806,C808~C814,C819, C825,C834, IC801,L802~L804,D801, R807,L801, C820,C822, C826,C827, C832,C833, C837,D802, DA1,C117, C124,C186, C187,C802~C804,R107, R108(L)* Frequency Drift Confir-mation- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (I).4.Confirm that the frequency Drift is < ± 30KHz/msec.IC1,R801~R806,C808~C814,C819, C825,C834, IC801,L802~L804,D801, R807,L801, C820,C822, C826,C827, C832,C833, C837,D802, DA1,C117, C124,C186, C187,C802~C804,R107, R108(M)* Sensitivity ReceiverConfirmation- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (I).4.Set DECT tester power to -88 dBm.5.Confirm that the BER is < 1000 ppm.IC1,R801~R806,C808~C814,C819, C825,C834, IC801,L802~L804,D801, R807,L801, C820,C822, C826,C827, C832,C833, C837,D802, DA1,C117, C124,C186, C187,C802~C804,R107, R108(N)* Power RAMP Confirma-tion- Follow steps 1 to 3 of (I).4.Confirm that Power RAMP is matching.IC1,R801~R806,C808~C814,C819, C825,C834, IC801,L802~L804,D801, R807,L801, C820,C822, C826,C827, C832,C833, C837,D802, DA1,C117, C124,C186, C187,C802~C804,R107, R108Items CheckPointProcedure Check orReplace Parts