When pr~)g~~i~lt~ing emergency numbers and/or making test calls 20 emergency numbers:I. Remain on the line and briefly explain “io ‘Ihe dispatcher ‘Ihe reason for Ihe call beforehanging up.2. Perform such activi^lies in the off-peak hours, such as early morning hours or lateevenittgs.This device complies with Parl: 15 of ‘rhe FCC Rules. ~pera~ion is subjec-i “roIhe followingtwo conditions: (1) ‘This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) ‘rhis devicemust accept any itl’retderence received, including interference ,Lhat may cause undesiredoperation.Privacy of ~~)t~lmun~ca~ion$may nol be ensured when using this phone.~~~~~~~~~~Any changes or modifications nol expressly approved by Zhe party responsible forcompliance could void lhe user’s aul”lhority to operate ‘rhis device.&a.his equipment has been lesled and found to comply with Ihe limits for a Class 8 digitaldevice, pursuanl to Parl 15 of the T-CC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable proleclion against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipmenl: generates, uses, and cart radiate radio frequency energy and, if no”r installedand used in accordance with the ins”tructions, rnay cause harmful interference to radio~ot~lmuni~a~iort~. However, there is no guarantee lhal interference will not occur in aparlicular installation. II’ ‘rhis equipment does cause harmful interference l’o radio ortelevision receplion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged eo “rry to correct the interference by one or more of Ihe followingme 4res:- orient or relocate ,Ihe receiving anlenna.-“- ncrease the separation between %heequipmertl and receiver.- Connect ihe equipmen’r into an outlel on a circuie different from that lo which thereceiver is connected.--. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV lechnician for help.Opera’ling near 2.4GHz eleclrical appliances tnay cause inlerference. IViove away fromIhe elecTrical appliances.cTo comply with FCC RF exposure requiremenls, Ihe handset should be carried with thespecific belt-clip provided for the handset to ensure compliance. Other non-tested belt-clips or similar body-worn accessories may not comply, therefore, should be avoided.This equipmeN is hearing aid compatible as defined by the FCC in 47 CFR Se&ion68.316.-____.. . -_~ -.- .- ..-.----- -...-~--.- _..-_ _-.-. ..___--- ..._..._..~- ..^._ -. .--~-. . .“._-.._