For assistance, please visit 9to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC RF Exposure Warning:L This product complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth foran uncontrolled environment.L This handset may not be collocated or operated in conjunction withany other antenna or transmitter.L The handset may be carried and operated with only the specificprovided belt-clip. Other non-tested belt-clips or similar body-wornaccessories may not comply and must be avoided.NoticeL FCC ID can be found inside the battery compartment or on the bottomof the unit.NoticeLᣣᧄޔࠅ߅ߡࠇߐ⸳⸘ߡߒߣ⋡⊛ࠍ↪ߩߢᣣᧄ࿖ᄖޔߪຠߩߎߦᣣᧄ࿖ౝߪߢᒰ␠ޔߡߞᓥޕߔ߹ࠅߥߣᴺᓞ㆑ߪ↪ߩߢ࿖ౝޕߔ߹ߨ߆ߒ⥌ߪࠬࡆࠨߩߤߥୃℂߡߒߣේೣߪߡ߅Lҏࠢட࣏छٺҢՄ೩Ȅषӵڏтড়୵ٺܖҢȂџོႂІ࿋ȄٽݲӴLThis product is designed for use in the United States of America.Sale or use of this product in other countries may violate local laws.LCet appareil est conçu pour être utilisé aux États-Unis d’Amérique.La vente ou l’emploi de cet appareil dans certains autres pays peutconstituer une infraction à la législation locale.LEste producto está diseñado para usarse en los Estados Unidos deAmérica.La venta o el empleo de este producto en ciertos países puedeconstituir violación de la legislación local.