Basic Operations14Note:L You can also dial the phone numberafter lifting the corded handset.L For further details, please read theUser Guide on the Panasonic Website. See page 3 for Panasonic URL.Using the speakerphone1 Dial the phone number and press{s}.L The unit selects the default lineconfigured by your administrator.L You can also select the linemanually as follows:f i {V}/{^}: Select thedesired line. i Press ] or{s}.2 When the other party answers,speak into the base unitmicrophone.L Speak alternately with the otherparty.3 When you finish talking, press {s}.Note:L For best performance, use thespeakerphone in a quiet environment.L To switch to the receiver, lift thecorded handset.Adjusting the receiver orspeaker volumePress {^} or {V} repeatedly whiletalking.Making a call using the rediallistThe last 10 phone numbers dialled arestored in the redial list in each unit (each32 digits max.).1 {R}2 {V}/{^}: Select the desired phonenumber.3 Lift the corded handset or press {s}.L If {s} is pressed and the otherparty’s line is engaged, the unitautomatically redials multipletimes. While the base unit iswaiting to redial, thespeakerphone indicator on thebase unit flashes. To cancel,press {b}.Answering calls usingthe handsetWhen a call is being received, the ringerindicator on the handset flashes rapidly.1 Lift the handset and press ],{C}, or {s} when the unit rings.L You can also answer the call bypressing any dial key from {0} to{9}, {*}, or {#}. (Any keyanswer feature)2 When you finish talking, press {i}or place the handset on the charger.Adjusting the handset ringervolume■ While the handset is ringing for anincoming call:Push the joystick up or downrepeatedly to select the desiredvolume.■ Programming the volumebeforehand:1 1 (centre of joystick) i{#}{1}{6}{0}2 {V}/{^}: Select the desiredvolume.3 M i {i}