Problem Possible Cause SolutionYou cannot use thehandset during apower failure.The handset will not functionduring a power failure because theCS stops emitting radio waves.—The tone from theBluetooth headsetcannot be changed.The Bluetooth headset tone is aspecific tone and is not related tothe Incoming Option settings(Ringer Type).—Noise is frequentlyheard.Nearby electrical appliances arecausing interference, or you aretoo far from the CS.• Place the handset and CS awayfrom other electrical appliances.• Move closer to the CS.Two short beeps areheard during aconversation.The radio signal is weak. Move closer to the CS.You charged thebattery for 3 hours, butthe beep tones sound,and " " flashes(needs to be charged)after a few telephonecalls.The battery charge contacts maybe dirty.Clean the battery charge contactswithout damaging them and chargeonce more.It is time to change the battery. Replace with a new battery.While charging thebattery, the handsetand the AC adaptorfeel warm.These are normal conditions.—"No Service" isdisplayed, and beeptones are heard.The handset is out of range. Move closer to the CS or try againlater.The CS or phone service is out ofservice.Consult your administrator or dealer.While charging thebattery, the LEDindicator blinksrapidly, but thehandset does notbeep.The temperature of the batterybeing charged is outside of normallimits.Confirm that the area where thehandset is being charged is between5 °C and 40 °C, and wait for thebattery’s temperature to drop.While charging thebattery, the LEDindicator blinksrapidly and thehandset beeps rapidly.The battery is not chargingcorrectly due to an electricalfailure.Unplug the AC adaptor from the ACoutlet, remove the battery from thehandset, and consult your dealer.Document Version 2012-11 Operating Instructions 59Appendix