49Display ContentsMalfunctioning CPU. Enter reset input, RESETkey, or restart unit.The values at start-up before the CPUmalfunction occurred.0Malfunctioning memory. Seenote.OFFOutput condition Restoration procedure Preset values after restoration7. Self-diagnosis functionIf a malfunction occurs, one of the following displays will appear.Note: Includes the possibility that the EEPROM’s life has expired.6) Long periods of continuous operationin the time-up completed condition (onemonth or more) will result in the weaken-ing of the internal electrical componentsfrom the generated heat and, therefore,should be avoided. If you do plan to usethe unit for such continuous operation,use in conjunction with a relay as shownin the circuit in the diagram below.7. Acquisition of CE markingPlease abide by the conditions belowwhen using in applications that complywith EN61812-1.1) Overvoltage category III,pollution level 22) This timer employs a power supplywithout a transformer, so the power andinput signal terminals are not insulated.(1) When a sensor is connected to theinput circuit, install double insulation onthe sensor side.(2) In the case of contact input, use dual-insulated relays, etc.3) The load connected to the output con-tact should have basic insulation.This timer is protected with basic insula-tion and can be double-insulated to meetEN/IEC requirements by using basicinsulation on the load.4) Please use a power supply that is pro-tected by an overcurrent protectiondevice which complies with the EN/IECstandard (example: 250 V 1 A fuse, etc.).5) You must use a terminal socket orsocket for the installation. Do not touchthe terminals or other parts of the timerwhen it is powered. When installing orun-installing, make sure that no voltageis being applied to any of the terminals.6) Do not use this timer as a safety cir-cuit. For example when using a timer in aheater circuit, etc., provide a protectioncircuit on the machine side.RRTTR RRelay Timer Receive outputfrom contactat relay RPRECAUTIONS IN USING THE LT4H SERIES