- 191 -Usage cautions and notesDMC-ZS20No Warranty.This Data is provided to you “as is,” andyou agree to use it at your own risk.Panasonic Corporation and its licensors(and their licensors and suppliers) make noguarantees, representations or warrantiesof any kind, express or implied, arisingby law or otherwise, including but notlimited to, content, quality, accuracy,completeness, effectiveness, reliability,fitness for a particular purpose, usefulness,use or results to be obtained from thisData, or that the Data or server will beuninterrupted or error-free.Disclaimer of Warranty:PANASONIC CORPORATION ANDITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS)DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF QUALITY,PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEOR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Some States,Territories and Countries do not allowcertain warranty exclusions, so to thatextent the above exclusion may not applyto you.Disclaimer of Liability:PANASONIC CORPORATION ANDITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) SHALLNOT BE LIABLE TO YOU: IN RESPECTOF ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION,IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OFTHE CAUSE OF THE CLAIM, DEMANDOR ACTION ALLEGING ANY LOSS,INJURY OR DAMAGES, DIRECT ORINDIRECT, WHICH MAY RESULT FROMTHE USE OR POSSESSION OF THEINFORMATION; OR FOR ANY LOSS OFPROFIT, REVENUE, CONTRACTS ORSAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER DIRECT,INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF YOUR USE OF OR INABILITYTO USE THIS INFORMATION, ANYDEFECT IN THE INFORMATION, ORTHE BREACH OF THESE TERMSOR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN ANACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT ORBASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IFPANASONIC CORPORATION OR ITSLICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some States, Territories and Countriesdo not allow certain liability exclusions ordamages limitations, so to that extent theabove may not apply to you.