M-900 X X X SeriesM-1200 >< X X Series-----ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE------PREPARATION1. Connect the 10-Pin connecter from the proper logic tothe defined input signal.2. Apply power to the CRT data display and allow themonitor to stabilize.3. Adjust coils by means of a hexagonal tuning tool (nonmetalic).Variable resistoer by -screw driver and deflection yoke(deflection distortion) by square tuning tool (nonmetalic).4. All controls are set at optimum position prior toshipment.ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE• Image Tilt AdjustmentLoosen the deflection yoke clamp and turn in the arrowdirections to adjust tilt. (See Fig. 2).lncorrect Correct-- --JFig. 211__ Character area• Vertical Hold AdjustmentAd just (VR31) until the image becomes stable vertically asshown in Fig. 3.RollingM---------- __ -,M1 11 I1 1: M :1 11 11 1M--- --- - --- ---JMLocking inFig. 3• Vertical Hold AdjustmentChecking of height, width and bright should be performedmore than 30 minutes after power is appl ied.Measure the luminous intensity near the center of CRT andset at 50 lux ±20% (40 to 60 lux). These adjustment areperformed on the basis of the input signal of Timing chart(page 6). Adjustment of picture and its associated partsshould be made in the order of Sub-contrast, Sub-brightand Pedestal level.• Horizontal Hold AdjustmentTurn (VR41) to set the raster area in the horizontal centerof the CRT. (See Fig. 4.)Fig.4• Vertical Height AdjustmentAdjust the vertical height (VR32) to set the vertical heightof the active character area as shown in F=ig. 5._..,_-.Ji-.::::-..1 ncorrect9"Model 4.33" (110mm)12"Model 5.91" (150mm)Vertical heightt------J-+_ Correct•Vertical heightFig. 5-14-